Presentations UM 2015

Thanks to everyone for their contribution at the User Meeting 2015. Find below presentations following the agenda of the User Meeting. A few presentation will not be published due to confidentiality issues, this is why the links are empty. (Some authors might get permission to publish later, so please look back as the list could extend with time)
- Welcome and Objectives
- John Olaf Rømma, WindSim AS
- Introduction
- Arne R. Gravdahl, WindSim AS
- Consulting
- Jan-Olav Øderud, WindSim AS
- Recent Developments
- Catehrine Meissner and Matteo Mana WindSim AS
- WindSim Portal
- Rui Santos, WindSim AS
- WindSim CFD validation in densely forested terrain
- Cecilie Langhans and Torkel Løland, COWI, Denmark
- Forest model
- Karsten Busch, WKN AG, Germany
- Forest validation
- Jan Borràs Morales, Uppsala University/WindSim
- A comparison between the WindSim results and the real parks production
- Georg Droukas, 2EN, Greece
- Validation of Park Performance
- Jose Prati and Paulo Manso, RENOVABLES, Costa Rica
- Improving vertical gridding by using multiple intervals on k-logical in refinement files
- Juan Pablo Hernàndez, Climatik, Mexico
- Wind and solar hybrid farms – a wind flow analysis using WindSim
- Flavia Goncalves, RePowertech, USA
- Uncertainty in Wind Resource Assessment
- Akgün Kalkan, INORES, Turkey
- Background noise map usage and creation through WindSim
- Andrea Bartolazzi, Studio Rinnovabili srl, Italy
- Wind Atlas
- Sara Koller, METEOTEST, Switzerland
- Test of CFD with Hyper threading
- Eva-Maria Nikolai, WKN AG, Germany
- Examples of findings when using data management software to increase profitability in wind farm operations
- Sigurd Joakim Juvik, Baze Technology, Norway
- Breeze Traders Dashboard – Power, Forecast, Price
- Jonas Corné , Breeze, Sweden
- Park Optimizer 2.0
- Klaus Vogstad, Markedslabben, Norway
- Workshop introduction; Best practice
- Li Di, WindSim
- Workshop introduction; Wake modeling
- Nikolaos Simisiroglou, Uppsala University/WindSim AS, Sweden
- Workshop introduction; Power Forecasting
- Matteo Mana, WindSim
- Workshop introduction; Forest modeling
- Catherine Meissner, WindSim