Presentations UM 2018
Thanks to everyone for their contribution at the User Meeting 2018. In this User Meeting we focused on a special theme: Simulation and classification of stratified flow. New developments from the WindSim team was also presented.
WindSim User Meeting – Welcome
John Olaf Rømma, WindSim AS
Remarks on stability modelling
Arne R. Gravdahl, WindSim AS
Catehrine Meissner, WindSim AS
Tejo de Groot, WindSim AS
WindSim Flow Model Uncertainty
Di Li, WindSim AS
Pablo Duran, WindSim AS
Gibson Kersting, E.ON Climate & Renewables North America Inc.
Stability classification from WRF and measurements in Chile
Romain Molins, Mainstream Renewable Power
A novel method to quantify atmospheric stability
Lasse Svenningsen, EMD International A/S
Wind climate weighting in big wind farm clusters
Andreas Blatt, Voltalia