Release notes

WindSim Software | Release Notes

WindSim 12.0.0 | Known Issues

FlowRes Export: The FlowRes export is producing a .flowres file which is a zipped file. Unfortunely it is using the wrong compression, so windPRO does not recognize the file.
Work around: Unzip the .flowres file, rezip it with normal .zip compression and rename it to .flowres again.
Fix:Download replace the Export.exe in 
C:\Program Files\WindSim\WindSim 12.0.0\bin with this version [Exports]

Loads: If you do not have a license for WindFields, the Loads module is not working, because of a license issue. 
Workaround: Replace the Loads.exe in C:\Program Files\WindSim\WindSim 12.0.0\bin with this [Loads] which has the correct license.

Flow Model Validator: Bugfix. In some cases it failed to due mismatch in vertical profiles and gridding.
Workaround: Replace the WindSim_Flow_Model_Validator.xlsm in C:\Program Files\WindSim\WindSim 12.0.0\Tools with this [WindSim_Flow_Model_Validator]

WindSim 12.0.0 | Launch Release Notes

Actuator Disk: The Actuator Disk is now available for all WindSim 12.0 users and is activated in the property “Refinement type” in the Terrain Module. 

WindSim 11.0.0 | Known Issues

Terrain Conversion: The TerrainConversion tool has been updated to also accept the new format of .map files. The new format has 4 nodes (8 entries) on each row instead the old 4. The earlier version was reading the wrong nodes.

Now it can read both versions of the format.

Old format

New format (WAsP 12)


  1. Download: TerrainConversion.exe
  2.  Place in ‘C:\Program Files\WindSim 11.0.0\bin’
  3. Rerun WindSim 11 -> Tools -> Advanced Conversion -> Convert Terrain Model

WindSim 10.0.1 | Known Issues

Objects:Cutting planes do not work in Park Layout.
Workaround: If you need the cutting planes, create your project in WindSim 9.0 or use GlView Pro.

Versions Affected: WindSim 10.0.1

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

WindSim 10.0.0 | Known Issues

WindFields:Large Phi files are not written and a restart is not possible
Workaround: Install WindSim 10.0.1 or put enough initial iterations or use WindSim 9.0 if you plan to do restarts

Versions Affected: WindSim 10.0.0

Terrain:The EPSG code is not changed to the correct value after changing the Projection information
This is only needed for Google Earth Export or Flowres Export, so ignore unless you need this.
Workaround: Install WindSim 10.0.1 or set the correct EPSG code manually in the grid.gws file. You can find this by using WindSim 9.0 or google via the epsg websites.

Versions Affected: WindSim 10.0.0

Terrain:After reopening the project with a refinement file, the green checkmark dissappears
Workaround: Install WindSim 10.0.1 or right click on terrain an choose set to green

Versions Affected: WindSim 10.0.0

Objects:Cutting planes do not work in Park Layout.
Workaround: If you need the cutting planes, create your project in WindSim 9.0 or use GlView Pro.

Versions Affected: WindSim 10.0.0

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

WindSim 9.0.0 | Known Issues

Evaluation Version:The Phoenics License has expired
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 9.0.0 EV\bin\Phoenics
3) Delete the file named CONFIG
4) Place the new CONFIG file there
5) Reopen WindSim

Versions Affected: WindSim Evaluation 9.0.0

Google Earth Export:For some users the Google Earth Export does not work.
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 9.0.0
3) Delete the file named GoogleEarthExport.exe
4) Place the new GoogleEarthExport.exe file there
5) Reopen WindSim

If it still does not work, please send the GoogleEarthExport.log (that will be created in the same folder) to and we will help you.
Versions Affected: WindSim 9.0.0

Reanalysis Data Downloader:The MERRA data download does not work.
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 9.0.0\bin\Modules\PlugIns
3) Delete the file named WindSim.DataSetDownloader.Merra.dll
4) Place the new WindSim.DataSetDownloader.Merra.dll file there
5) Reopen WindSim
Versions Affected: WindSim 9.0.0

Energy Module:The WAT export does not work.
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 9.0.0
3) Delete the file named SystemFrameworks.dll
4) Place the new SystemFrameworks.dll file there
5) Reopen WindSim
Versions Affected: WindSim 9.0.0

Wind Fields Module:The parallel solver is not working properly at the borders of the domain when using nesting from another WindSim project.
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 9.0.0\bin\Phoenics
3) Delete the file named Q1
4) Place the new Q1 file there
5) Reopen WindSim
Versions Affected: WindSim 9.0.0

WindSim 8.0.0 | Known Issues

Reanalysis Data Downloader:The MERRA data download does not work.
Workaround: Use WindSim 9.0.0 or the WindSim 9.0.0 Evaluation Version with the new WindSim.DataSetDownloader.Merra.dll as mentioned above
Versions Affected: WindSim 8.0.0

Wind Fields Module:The parallel solver is not working properly at the borders of the domain when using nesting from another WindSim project.
Workaround: Download and unzip this file and follow these steps:
1) Close WindSim
2) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 8.0.0\bin\Phoenics
3) Delete the file named Q1
4) Place the new Q1 file there
5) Reopen WindSim
Versions Affected: WindSim 9.0.0

Wind Fields Module:When exporting wrg or rsf files with non-integer numbers higher than 100 the wrong value after the decimal is given.
Workaround: Open the file and make a [search and replace] with the correct value .
Versions Affected: WindSim 8.0.0

Terrain Module:When using the forest model the default C2 parameter is given for the old forest model.
Workaround: Use a value between 0.01 and 10 to get reasonable results.
Versions Affected: WindSim 8.0.0

Terrain Module:When using a refinement file the simulation will break if the overall area is larger than the area given in the refinement file.
Workaround: Set the x-range and the y-range to the same value as in the refinement file.
Versions Affected: WindSim 8.0.0

WindSim 7.0.0 | Known Issues

Wind Fields Module:The parallel GCV solver is not working properly with nesting.
Workaround: Use normal GCV.
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Reanalysis Data Downloader:MERRA data download is not working
Workaround: Use WindSim 8
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Wind Fields Module:When upgrading an old project which has been run with forest it will not run properly in 7.0.
Workaround: Rerun the terrain model .
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Wind Fields Module:When using forest and segregated solver only the source terms for the velocities are applied. The source term via porosity is neglected.
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Wind Fields Module:The parallel solver is not working properly with temperature activated.
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Objects Module:Terrain complexity is not written for non-integer hub heights like 80.5 m.
Workaround: Use integer numbers
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Energy Module:When upgrading an old project which has been run with individual density correction the upgraded project will use a different density correction than before.
Workaround: Use the “Individual 3” density correction to obtain the same results as in the old version
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Terrain Editor:The import of .map file does not work.
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Terrain Editor:The geo referencing does not work.
Workaround: Write to and request new installation files
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

WindSim 7.0:Missing some Chinese translation.
Workaround: Download this file and follow this steps:
1)Unzip the
2)Copy the Unziped file gui.zh-CHS.resources to the root of WindSim 7.0 (C:\Program Files…\WindSim\WindSim 7.0.0\) and replace the existance one
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Losses&Uncertainties:The sensitivity factor is not calculated in the right way.
Workaround: Use the WindSim_core.exe from 6.2 to run the energy module and afterwards run the losses&uncertainties. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 7.0.0\bin rename WindSim_core.exe to WindSim_core_7.exe and place the WindSim_core.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\WindSim\WindSim 6.2.0\bin there. Run energy and losses and uncertainties and then rename WindSim_core.exe to WindSim_core_6.exe and WindSim_core_7.exe to WindSim_core.exe. If you don’t have the WindSim_core.exe for WindSim 6.2 just contact
Versions Affected: WindSim 7.0.0

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

WindSim 6.2.0 | Known Issues

Terrain Module: The automatic gridding is not working together with forest
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Terrain Module: The radial smoothing is not working
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Wind Fields Module:Nesting projects cannot be run with potential temperature activated. The nesting and the nested model need to be run with the setting “disregard temperature”
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.2.0 version, see Updates.

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Wind Fields Module:The wind field calculation doesn’t work correctly when forest and GCV is activated.
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.2.0 version, see Updates.

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Wind Resources Module:The ambient turbulence map shows zero values…
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.2.0 version, see Updates.

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Wind Resources Module:For some projects the exported wrg files is too small.
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.2.0 version, see Updates.

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Wind Fields Module: The actuator disc has been validated for GCV now
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.2.0 version, see Updates.

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Tools/Create power curve:Wrong interpolation of the power curve if the cut out wind speed is lower than 25 m/s.
If no values are given for the wind speeds higher than the cut out wind speed the values will be set to the cut out wind speed until 25 m/s.

Workaround: Fill up the bins until 25 m/s with 0.0 m/s e.g.

Power curve with cut out 23 m/s:

Bin (m/s) Power(kW) Thrust Coef. (-)
3.0 50 0.2
4.0 108 0.4
23.0 2500 0.3
23.1 0 0
25 0 0

Versions Affected: WindSim 6.2.0

Monday, July 14, 2014

WindSim 6.1.0 | Known Issues

Terrain Module: Forest volume forces do not work correctly
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.1.0 version, see Updates.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.1.0

Terrain Module: The radial smoothing is not working
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.1.0

Wind Fields Module: When using the GCV solver nesting is not possible
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 6.1.0 version, see Updates.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.1.0

Wind Fields Module: The actuator disc has not yet been validated
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.1.0

Word Report: Wake losses in executive summay and table 6.1 wrong and multiple layouts do not work
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.1.0

Thursday, December 19, 2013

WindSim 6.0.0 | Known Issues

Terrain Module: The radial smoothing is not working
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0

Wind Fields Module: The actuator disc has not yet been validated
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0

Wind Fields Module: When using the GCV solver nesting is not possible
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

WindSim 6.0.0 Beta | Known Issues

GENERAL: A beta version is not meant for serious project calculations as it might contain issues which can stop the program from working. We cannot guarantee to fix issues in the right time to keep your project deadlines!

Wind Fields Module: The non-neutral calculations and the mesoscale coupling as well as the actuator disc have not yet been validated
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0_beta

Wind Fields Module: The non-neutral calculations and the mesoscale coupling has not yet been validated
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0_beta

Terrain Module: Second order derivate picture is showing wrong values
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0_beta

Energy Module:The analytical wake models are not activated in the power history, the actuator disc technique provides a strong underestimate of the power outputs when applied to the Power history
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 6.0.0_beta

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WindSim 5.1.0 | Known Issues

Tools/Create power curve:Wrong interpolation of the power curve if the first and last value is not 0.

Workaround: Add a bin close to the first/last bin which has the value 0 e.g.

Power curve:

Bin (m/s) Power(kW) Thrust Coef. (-)
2.9 0 0
3.0 50 0.2
4.0 108 0.4
25 2500 0.8
25.1 0 0

Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Power Curve:In case you create your pws file on your own the bins have to be regular 1m/s bins and the file has to start with bin 0 e.g.

Power curve:

Bin (m/s) Power(kW) Thrust Coef. (-)
0.0 0.0 0.000
1.0 0.0 0.000
2.0 0.0 0.000
3.0 0.0 0.000
    • Versions Affected: All WindSim versions

Terrain Module: Forest creation does not work correctly
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 5.1.0 version, see Updates.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Terrain Module: WindSim smoothing with refinement area does not work correctly
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 5.1.0 version, see Updates.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Wind Fields Module: The temperature effects influence the convergence ability of the coupled solver. Workaround: Use the segregated solver when using temperature.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Wind Fields Module: When running in batch mode sometimes the last sector is not displayed in the tables after the run.
Workaround: Close and reopen WindSim.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Wind Fields Module: The k-omega model is not working with temperature.
Workaround: None.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Wind Resource Module: Reporting fails if the first climatology is made invisible.
Workaround: Take a layout copy and delete the first climatology if you do not intend to use it.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Energy Module: Negative speed values in power history if wake effect are too high.
Workaround: Install Patch 1 of WindSim 5.1.0 version, see Updates.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Terrain conversion: The terrain conversion fails in the evaluation version and in the big_model version.
Workaround: Use the terrain conversion from the normal version.
Versions Affected: WindSim 5.1.0

Monday, April 15, 2013