windsim 6.2
WindSim 6.2 includes a long list of new features, added functionality, and valuable extensions. In particular a new version of WindSim Express (WS Express) is bundled with WindSim 6.2. WS Express is a light version of WindSim with predefined settings, giving an easy start to CFD based micro siting for non-CFD experts. But it is much more. WS Express automatically downloads a terrain model with elevation and roughness data of your area of interest. The CFD model is generated automatically. It contains user friendly tools for import of measurements. As such it is also an useful pre-processor for experienced WindSim users. Projects established in WS Express can of course be loaded in WindSim.
Word reporting
We introduce the new Word Report which enables you to have a full Microsoft Word document with plots, tables and information about the wind climate, your simulations and the annual energy production inside your wind farm.
Parallel GCV
We create a Parallel version of the GCV which enables you to run simulation for large wind farms even faster.
Robustness and Speed of GCV
We did a major improvement on the Robustness and Speed of GCV which get better results than the old Couple Solver. You can find the press release about the GCV here
WAT export
We improved our WAT export to include a sector interpolation now also for the Turbulence Intensity. The whole extraction procedure is now more robust.
Turbine assessment file
We improved our Turbine assessment file with a more accurate computation of the speed-ups from climatology to turbine.
Features already included in WindSim 6.0
Convergence control with new solver
The introduction of a more robust solver has made convergence easy. Even in the most demanding terrain sites the simulations reach convergence. It is a known fact that CFD based micro-siting doesn’t always provide a converged or physical solution, which is due to the non-linear nature of the underlying problem. With the new solver we have not yet faced any sites which have not converged. It is still a requirement that the problem is well posed, to avoid the classical “garbage in, garbage out” situation.
The new solver is called GCV, which is short for General Collocated Velocity method. GCV can handle highly non-orthogonal grids, being able to secure convergence with angles in the grid as small as 10 degrees, which was not feasible with the segregated solver.
Convergence criteria
Simulations stop automatically when a satisfying convergence level has been reached. You will still have full control over the iterative procedure leading towards the converged solution. In previous versions of WindSim the convergence criteria was set to strict, which for most projects didn’t give an automatic stop. The convergence criteria has now been changed and made less conservative.
Online download of terrain models
Global terrain data sets including height and roughness are automatically downloaded and used to make 3D CFD models (WS Express).
Automatic gridding
Do you think the horizontal and vertical gridding is a challenge? Select the automatic gridding option and we make an appropriate grid with respect to the wind farm size and turbine height (WS Express).
Import of measurements
This new tool makes data conversion easy. We will read your measurement data no matter which data format you have used (WS Express).
Cross checking
Whenever you have more than one measurement mast onsite, then you can easily validate the performance of WindSim by using one measurement mast to predict the other and get a full statistical report.