Windplanner | Visual Impact Assessment

Windplanner allows to plan a wind project in the pre-feasibility phase, to present to residents and other stakeholders, and to understand the visual impact from the environmental perspective. You can compare alternative park layouts and view the project from any angle, in photorealistic images.


Scout locations anywhere in the world. Upload relevant geographic information such as WindSim resource map, constraints, ownership, to help you scout the best location.

Design and sketching

Design your wind energy proposal to suit your needs. Place turbines in configurations, create alternative layouts. Import or export your turbine list from and to WindSim. Separate turbines using wake loss criteria, line and grid tools, and distance to residential properties.


Adjust turbine properties like hub height and blade diameter. Change date, time and wind direction and see the impact of shade real time.

Visual impact

View the local environment from any angle you like. In 3D-view with buildings, trees and existing landmarks like turbines and power lines. Or in panoramic photos such as StreetView

Visual impact

View the local environment from any angle you like. In 3D-view with buildings, trees and existing landmarks like turbines and power lines. Or in panoramic photos such as StreetView

Animations and VR

Create stunning animations or share in VR and experience the visual impact of a future wind turbine; with life-like scale as if it’s already built.

More information is available at