Windsim 加速器

WindSim Accelerator 用户界面中的现场值报告。右侧的“作业状态”列显示扇区进度


WindSim Accelerator 帮助风电场投资者、开发商、顾问和运营商在更短的时间内以卓越的准确性开发项目。这是通过在云中执行的风场模拟来实现的。

卓越的模拟精度确保了风电场的盈利能力,从而提高了能源产量、降低了维护成本并改善了融资。使用 WindSim Accelerator 降低了项目风险——具有高精度、高速风场模拟。


选择相关区域,通过地图模块中集成的 ArcGIS 数据提取海拔和粗糙度数据,并创建网格文件。根据网格文件和模型模块中的输入属性创建 3D 模型。为了重现当地风气候,需要对当地风场进行多次模拟,以表示不同的风向、不同的大气条件和季节变化。在云端,所有这些模拟都可以在风场模块中同时完成。每个单独的模拟也可以并行化。此外,风电场项目可以同时运行 - 总之缩短了执行时间。WindSim Accelerator 可以轻松将您的执行时间缩短高达 90% 的倍数。后处理在 WindSim 11 或 WindSim 12 中进行。


WindSim Accelerator 是 WindSim 系列服务的一部分,可满足您对风分析的各种需求。作为 WindSim 软件的订阅者,您将收到入门、定期功能更新和 获得支持。其他服务包括咨询和项目支持以及培训。联系我们以获取更多信息




“Previously we were using different third-party programs and sources to gather and prepare roughness and height data. This is a timeconsuming process that could take up to half a working day. With WindSim Accelerator, this can be as quick as 30 minutes for an experienced user when the available Windsim sources are of sufficient accuracy for the calculation”

Ove Undheim,
Principal Wind Resource Analyst,
Statkraft Wind & Site 团队


“The pre-processing module in WindSim Accelerator has improved
the efficiency of our workflow. Easy access to high-quality data has reduced both the project execution time and the room for errors, as well as making it easier to introduce our methodology to new employees.”

Eivind Myklebust Støvne,
Wind Energy Advisor,
Kjeller Vindteknikk Department,

“WindSim Accelerator’s new features have helped us to significantly reduce the time spent on desktop preprocessing. It allows us to create multiple projects at the same time easily, with seamless GIS data handling and automatic grid modelling.”

Utku Turkyilmaz,
Senior Wind Resource Analyst,
Wind & Solar,
Fortum Corporation

请在所列文件中找到有关 WindSim 加速器条款和条件的更多信息:

数据处理协议 (DPA)

服务水平协议 (SLA)

标准条款 (ST)