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WindSim 6 Released | Download your copy
WS60 WindSim 6.0 includes many new features and valuable extensions. In particular WindSim Express (WS Express) is bundled with WindSim 6.0. WS Express is a light version of WindSim with predefined settings, giving an easy start to CFD based micro siting for non-CFD experts with its automatic download of terrain data and grid generation. WS Express contains a new user-friendly tool for import of on-site measurements or virtual measurements. Virtual measurements allow a first estimate of the Annual Energy Production before any on-site measurements have been carried out.

WindSim 6.0 also includes new features we believe will be highly appreciated by our expert users, a more robust solver with automatic convergence control and an automatic cross-checking for easy quality control, READ MORE »

With the Add-On module Power Forecasting you can establish short-term power forecasting for your wind farms. Accurate wind characteristics on the turbine scale are determined by integrating artificial neural networks corrected mesoscale models with fine-scale CFD models, READ MORE »

EWEA Technology Workshop | CREYAP
The second workshop on Comparative Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures (CREYAP) organized by EWEA took place this summer in Dublin. The consulting team of WindSim took part in the blind test together with 60 other teams. The result of our consulting team was only 1% off from the measured production, our ID number is 20. The majority of the teams did very well, see figure with normalised energy yield prediction P50/Pobs, READ MORE »
For a CFD provider like WindSim it is encouraging to observe the increased usage of CFD, in the first workshop two years ago 8% of the teams used CFD whereas this portion increased to 31% this year.

10 years with wind innovation | UM Celebration
It is 10 years since the first launch of WindSim. During the User Meeting we celebrated by making two of the first users "King" and "Queen", namely the University of Perugia and METEOTEST, represented by Francesco Castellani and Silke Dierer. We thank all our users for their continuous support and wish you all a nice summer.


Q3 2013 • Cloud Computing
Q4 2013 • Power Forecasting

Registration is required to attend the webinars. Invitations are sent well in advance to all subscribers of our newsletters.

Check out our previous webinar recordings about WindSim Express and Park Optimizer


WindSim | The Basics
Rio de Janeiro • Brazil • August 29-30
Beijing • China • September 6-6
Tønsberg • Norway • October 7-8
Barcelona • Spain • November 5-6

WindSim | Advanced Usage & Concepts
Tønsberg • Norway • October 9-10
Beijing • China • October 10-11

WindSim | Examination & Certification
Beijing • China • October 25



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