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WindSim 7 Released | Download your copy
WS70 WindSim 7 includes many new features, added functionality, and valuable extensions requested by our users. In particular we would like to highlight the new plug-ins; MCP (Measure-Correlate-Predict), Reanalysis Data Downloader and Queuing.
  • MCP (Measure-Correlate-Predict)
  • MCP is used to predict the long-term wind resources at a proposed site, by relating short-term measurements at the site to long-term measurements at a reference site. The MCP plug-in uses linear methods and artificial neural network methods.

  • Reanalysis Data Downloader
  • In the early stage of a project, when no measurements are available, reanalysis data will be the only alternative to supply a wind climatology. The Reanalysis Data Downloader downloads time series based on MERRA data, directly in WindSim's time series format. Time series to be used in early stage projects, but also for long-term correction.

  • Queuing
  • Queuing makes it possible for the user to run several projects in a row with the possibility to give priority to certain projects and to get email updates about the status of the projects. Utilize the available hardware resources in an optimal way with the new queuing functionality.

  • Features
  • WindSim 7 includes many new features which will be appreciated by our users like; cross-checking plots with feed-back form, terrain complexity calculation, new wall function, power density calculation, clean simulation stop, improved smoothing, increased model size and much more.

ENERGIX | Nowcasting
NFR Logo WindSim AS and UniResearch will undertake a common R&D project titled: "Optimize wind farm performance by delivering accurate shortest-term wind and power forecasts". The main target of the project is to deliver accurate wind power production forecasts for wind turbines and wind flow predictions around the turbines for the next minutes and up to several hours ahead, so called nowcasting. The project is a natural extension of an ongoing project on power forecasting and it will run for another two full years, it is funded by the Norwegian Research Council under the program ENERGIX.


Don't miss our User Meeting this June. Get the most recent development updates from the WindSim team. Hear from other WindSim users and learn how WindSim adds value to their projects. Rewarding and fun - reserve the dates now, and join us for the sail boat trip.

DATES: 24-25 JUNE 2015

LOCATION: Quality Hotel Tønsberg, Norway


Check out the webinar recordings:
WindSim for Academia
Power Forecasting
Secure Your Wind Energy Investments
WindSim Express
Park Optimizer


WindSim | The Basics
Beijing • China • April 24-24
Tønsberg • Norway • June 22-23
Beijing • China • September 18-18

WindSim | Advanced Usage & Concepts
Beijing • China • May 21-23
Tønsberg • Norway • June 22-23
Beijing • China • October 22-24

WindSim | Examination & Certification
Beijing • China • May 29
Beijing • China • October 30



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